Houdini Velum Experiment / redshift

Houdini Velum Experiment / redshift

Houdini / Megascan / redshift
Houdini Experiment
Part of a project I worked at Weareseventeen
Part of a project I worked at Weareseventeen

Animography (Mobilo) - https://animography.net/products/mobilo



Chainamation 2 Collab I took part back in 2015 - https://vimeo.com/160115875
XParticles experiment (Arnold render)

loop experiment

Y part of the 36 days of Type

Motion Corpse No. 19 - Collab I took part https://vimeo.com/190877458
Part of a project I worked on at Art&Graft for BBC PROMO
Cookie Studio Logo animation
Love Machine, a Layer Lemonade Collab

Experiment with mograph and Arnold render